Monday, March 22, 2010

How's that PAC?

Wow!  Talk about a hot political issue.  Health care reform.  Now, I'm sure many/most of us followed the heated debates over the past year, the Tea Parties, the posturing on both sides to make themselves heard.  And I thought both sides were loud and clear ... then last night, the vote!  I think I've lost part of my hearing!

Okay, I'm exaggerating.  But this issue is a live one.  Democrats, Republicans, and allies on both sides are raising money like crazy.  The email marketing started before the sun came up.  Fight the bill!  Defend the bill!  Overturn the bill!  Advance the cause!  Click here to find what is REALLY going on ... and on ... and on.

All of this reminds me of a very important question:  how is your organization's Political Action Committee, or PAC?  Is your technology up to date?  Online giving in place?  How about tracking and reporting capabilities?

There is some very good SaaS technology out there to support the typical PAC.  Need something more sophisticated?  Open source platforms can be developed pretty quickly that will combine the best of vendor COTS software with the customized extras that give you exactly what you need.

And I know, this blog post does sound like a crass commercial message.  But in reality, we are all so busy that many of us are often spurred to action when the bugle sounds, not three months in advance.  That's no reflection on us - more a reflection on the very busy times we live and work in.  So, there is no better time for a health-check on your PAC.  If you need some help, you know where to find us.

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